Welcome to TrackinSolo.com, your number-one information source for the Home Recording Musician.
About Me
My name is Michael B and I’m a Music Producer, Musician, Formally Trained (and Certified by the Recording Institute of Detroit in 1986) Recording Engineer, and Home Recording Studio Consultant.
As of 2022, I”ve built 3 home recording studios go back to 1987, where I wrote, played all the instruments, and recorded my music.
I’m also a Writer, Editor, and SEO of TrackinSolo.com
I always had a love for music, and later wrote and recorded my own music…playing all the instruments.
My History and Qualifications
When I was around 16 years old, after playing around with my dad’s reel-to-reel and having to write a paper for school, on what I wanted to do after graduating from high school. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be a recording engineer and run a Budget Home Recording Studio business, in which to record bands that were shopping record deals.
I did a ton of reading and research, learned how to play a couple of instruments, went to a recording school outside of Detroit called, “The Recording Institute of Detroit” and became a formally trained and certified recording engineer.
I then went on to work as an Assistant Mastering Engineer for a Cassette Tape Duplication Company called TapeTronics for about a year.
After that, I built my first, small Home Recording Studio around 1987, in my mother’s basement while I was still living at home.
When I moved out in 1992 and bought my first (and to date) only house. I built a much larger studio in my basement.
For about 10-13 years I wrote and recorded my own music, playing all the instruments.
Around the very late 1990s. I got more interested in the internet, as it was relatively new at the time, and spent less and amount of time working in my studio.
Pretty soon I stopped working in my studio altogether. It wasn’t a conscious decision, it just happened.
Recent Past Several Years
I got interested in getting back into the Home Recording Studio game.
As always, done a ton of research and discovered.
I still remembered everything I learned back in the 1980s and 1990s….I still “had it”
So, after helping countless number of people in Home Recording Studio Forums and Facebook groups, I decided to put this website together.
I wanted to and still do. Want to help people enjoy the pleasure I do. Making Music….Making the kind of Music I want to and Love.
The Present / Future
I am currently working on putting together a Video Blog / Youtube Channel for this site.
Be sure to check it out. I’ll be sharing some great and somewhat unknown information about building and recording in a Home Recording Studio.
If you have any questions…Please contact me.
I would love to hear from you.
-Michael B.
Detroit, MI
(248) 579-4413